Uplift your Organization
through Cultural Behavioral Values
Sergio Sedas-Gersey, PhD
EGADE Business School, Tec de Monterrey
linkedin: in/sergiosedas/
web: www.sergiosedas.com
Since before the pandemic, companies have been facing ever-growing challenges: new competition, globalization, changes in customer wants and needs, new employee motivators to name a few. As a leader you will need to manage resources and lead change.
Is your organization ready?
Are you ready?
In our class, we have reviewed a tool with which you can described and understand the underlying behavioral values and motivations that are currently driving how things are done and experienced in your organization. With these same tools, you can ideate a set of initiatives, policies, and new ways of working that will transform your culture and prepare your company to go from where you are to where you want to be.
Here are some of the resources mentioned in the class. Feel free to download them and participate fully.
Intro to the Barrett Values 7 Levels of Consciousness Model
The Barret Values 7 Level of Consciousness gives you a powerful framework to identify and recognize the hidden behavioral values that are currently driving how things are done and experienced in your organization. And what you need to do to transform the culture to lead your company to where you want to be.
Download Diagrams
Real Case. Download the plots and diagrams for a Cultural Values Assessment. Review the information and see what you would recommend this company for a Cultural Transformation Program.
Download Full Report
Download the full diagnostic report for a Cultural Values Assessment. Real Case Study.
Take your Own PVA
What is mot important in your life at this moment guides your thoughts and behaviors. Take a 10 minute assessment and obtain your very own Personal Values Assessment.
Find out More about Barret Values 7 Levels of Consciousness Models for Personal, Leadership, Organization & Society
The Barrett Values Centre has mapped out a framework of 7 Levels of Consciousness for Personal Values, Leadership Values, Organizational Values and Societal Values. Click on the link below and learn more.